西浦緑水堂ブースでは、日本画・彫刻・漆芸・陶芸・金属造形 各分野の現代アーティスト11名による小品の世界を展観いたします。
We will have a booth at "Tobi Art Fair" which will be held at Tokyo Bijutsu Club 100 art dealers from a wide variety of genres will gather at the fair.
At the Nishiura Ryokusuido booth, 11 contemporary artists in the fields of Japanese painting, sculpture, shitsugei, ceramics, and metal work will exhibit their small works.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth.
「2022 東美アートフェア」
「Tobi Art Fair 2022」
会期(Period of the event):
会 場:東京都港区新橋6-19-15
東京美術俱楽部(東美ミュージアム) 1階 ブースNo.24
入場料:一般 2000円(税込)
Venue: 6-19-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tokyo Bijutsu Club (Tobi Museum), 1F, Booth No. 24
Admission: ¥2,000 (tax included)